
Domestic Shipping

We ship via the United States Postal Service (USPS). Shipping is free within the United States.

International Shipping

We can ship internationally. Shipping charges will be provided after the buyer provides a valid international address. We will complete accurately all internationally required customs forms. The buyer is responsible for any customs charges imposed by the country to which the item will be shipped.


Returns & Exchanges

We make every effort to describe the beautiful vintage items that we sell as accurately as possible, including detailed photos of each piece. All of the merchandise we sell has been previously owned and may show evidence of having been used and well loved. If you are unhappy with your purchase, please contact us as soon as possible after receiving the item. After contacting us, you may return the item within 10 days of the day it was received. We will refund the purchase price in full after it returns to us in the same condition in which it left us. Please use care when packing your item for return.

10 Days to Return

Following receipt of the item, the buyer has ten (10) days to contact us to arrange for a return if they are dissatisfied with their purchase.

Return Cost

Buyer pays return shipping. We require that the buyer purchase insurance and provide tracking information for all returned items.